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8:18 p.m. - 2004-05-31
I am with flat
It's officially official, folks, I am with flat.

I found a nice little studio apartment about 20 minutes from where I work, i.e. my brother's place. It's a teeny, tiny, itsy-bitsy place, I could probably fit two of them into my room in Toronto, but I've got my own minute version of a kitchen, my own bathroom (complete with shower, toilet and sink) and my own double bed and sofa.

I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it.

It's not cheap. In face, when I convert it to Canadian dollars, my face automatically contorts into a hard grimace, but that's London for you. And despite everything, it's completely worth it.

I'm giggling, people, I'm so happy.

So, if I can borrow my bro's digital camera in the near future, I'll try to post some pictures of it here. In the meantime, however, you can sit back and enjoy the beauty that is my neice, Bronwyn.

1:42 p.m. - 2004-05-31
Shout outs
Some Happy Birthdays are in order.

Big shout outs are going to Kirsi, Dave and Erika. As someone once said to me in a lovely card "Congratulations, you're not dead yet!".

I heard everyone had a blast of a weekend without me, although, apparently I was there in spirit and in a sign? Explain that one to me, Kristen.


Miss you lots.

12:03 p.m. - 2004-05-29
Smoker's Unite!
I don't often agree with Rosie Dimanno. She's pompous, arrogant, verbose, overly dramatic and, to put it mildly, uninteresting.

But she's finally managed to write an article that I completely agree with. At first, it made me doubt the validity of my opinion, but I'm pretty sure it was just dumb luck that we happen to see eye to eye on something.

I've argued this point on many occasions with many people, and while her article is only the bare essentials of my side of the debate, it does make the point somewhat more poingnantly than I've been able to do in the past. I'm sure that there will be quite a few of you who disagree with me/us but, in the end, it's all moot (or moo as Joey Tribiani would have it).

I don't live in Toronto anymore.

Here's the argument, anyway: Smoker's Unite

12:18 p.m. - 2004-05-26
donkey balls
Apparently, there are only a few of you who understand the meaning of "Right Now".

Dave and Samarra rock. The rest of you suck big donkey balls.

(you can still e-mail me, though)


1:28 p.m. - 2004-05-25
Lauren Does London
Pip pip, cheerio and all that other English lingo.

I'm in London, again, and so far, so good. The weather is great (nah nah nah all you rainy Toronto people) and the city is just as I remembered it. Well, the parts of it I've gone to, anyway. It's a big place.

The flight over was ab fab. My parents convinced me to upgrade to Club Transat (Ait Transat's slightly diluted version of Business class) and it was entirely worth it. It only cost me 220 bucks, but in reality, it upgraded my baggage allowance by double so I used the 120 dollars I would have paid for excess baggage towards it. You could say it only cost my 100 to get to the head of the plane. Yay me.

Now, don't get me wrong, it wasn't all caviar and champagne (although they did offer a little cup of the bubbly at the beginning of the flight) but it was definitely nicer than peon class. A little bit more room, better food, free drinks and amenities. All in all, I would definitely recommend it for any overnight flight. I actually managed to sleep a little (and it wasn't from the booze this time, Kristen, although I'd be lying if I said I didn't partake).

Anyhow...John, Charlotte and Bronwyn met me at the airport and drove me back, which was good because I had a few reservations about pulling my 44 kilos of baggage around a train station. I can't believe how big Bronny is now...and she's got this great big head on top of a really long body. But she's just the cutest thing in the world (I'm sorry, Jacquie, but in my books, she's got Meaghan beat hands down). I'll post pictures just as soon as John gets cable internet installed. Yeah, I'm at a cafe. Sucks to be me.

Their new flat is lovely, and I've got a little room downstairs with a pull out double bed. That's only temporary, however, as I've already started the search for a flat, or more specifically, a room. I saw a promising one last night, but you never know. Brits can be picky about choosing roommates, so I guess I'll have to see if I impressed them or not.

All in all, things are good. Homesickness will probably settle in about one month from now, but if I can ride it through, I'm sure I'll make it. In the meantime, EVERYBODY E-MAIL ME so that I don't get lonely.

Right now.


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