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- 05-14-03
This is the gang on a boat trip along the coast of Portugal, which had on display some striking rock formations. The tour was very local, our mostly-toothless guide spoke not a word of English. He did, however, manage to point out one particular rock that looked like a penis successfully.

And this is Michele standing in front of said rock formations (not the penis one, though).

This is me (aren�t I cute) hanging out in Vilamoura, the golf-resort town we were staying in.

This is Kate after an impromptu dip in the ocean. She�s a wild one, that girl�

This is the �Charlie�s Angels� shot of our rental � the Getz-go*.

*(The model of car was a Hyundai Getz)

We headed down to the southern-most tip of Portugal to watch the sunset. Apparently, we weren�t the only ones with that bright idea.

This is post-sunset � the colours really were amazing.

This is out last night in Portugal, big time girls� night out. Believe it or not, this is the beginning of the evening.

And finally, this is the beach on which we lied for most of Monday, trying to rid ourselves of the hangovers of Sunday. It�s a tough life, I tell ya.


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