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5:18 p.m. - 2004-05-18
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Things to go, places to see, people to do.

I�m a busy bee these days folks. This is the direct result of being a lazy ass for three weeks of unemployment. I meant to do so much, I really did. But the couch called out to me and the TV just wouldn�t leave me alone! It�s a hard life, but someone�s got to do it. I�ve also been sick, and not just in the head as per usual.

I leave for England in four days. That�s not a lot of time for someone who has yet to pack or even get anything in life organized. On top of that, one�s social life really tends to kick up a notch when people realize they have an excuse to get drunk on a weekday. Yay! Lauren�s leaving, let�s celebrate. Or you know, wish her well. Whatever. In other words, I�ve been out late a lot, not in the mood to wake up early and basically permanently hungover.

I�m watching Dr. Phil at the moment. How on earth did I get involved in the pathetic and sad life of what I like to call self-help television? I�m a weak, weak woman. Maybe I should go on the show and discuss it.

But I digress. I�m leaving. I�m busy and I have too much to do. The solution? Take 30 minutes and write an entry. I have a problem, if I can make the excuse that there isn�t enough time to finish anything, I do nothing. Nothing of any importance, anyway. Another topic for the good doctor.

I�m going to dinner with Samarra tonight. I�m going to miss doing that. I�m going to miss her. I�m going to miss a lot of things.

I�m rambling.


All right, here I go. I�m going to do something constructive. I don�t know what, and it can�t take very long because I�m leaving soon, but something. Granted, I�ve had a fairly productive day. I managed to complete a few errands that needed tending to. I�ve got most of my laundry done. It�s not been so bad. Yay me.

And so ends my stream of consciousness entry. Just call me Virginia Woolf.


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