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4:17 p.m. - 2003-10-03
me and the star are like this!
Hey, check it out!

I�m published!

12:49 p.m. - 2003-09-24
The devil is a duh.
Has anyone ever heard of Ann Coulter? I just found her yesterday and, let me tell you, she is scary.

S-C-A-R-Y with a capitol AAAH!

To say that Ann Coulter is conservative is like saying the Pope is Catholic. It�s a bit of an understatement, to say the least. I�ve never before heard of someone with such a hatred of liberals (and, apparently, the French). I sat at my computer yesterday reading article after article by this republican banshee and found myself flabbergasted at the level of hostility one person was capable of. Seriously, it gave me the willies. Here is a sampling:

�Apparently it is urgent that we replace the best fighting force in the world with an �international peacekeeping force,� i.e., a task force both feared and respected worldwide for its ability to distribute powdered milk to poor children.� (Something I�m sure she�ll never be accused of doing)

�Seething with rage and frustration at the success of the war in Iraq, liberals have started in with their female taunting about weapons of mass destruction.� (Female taunting? I get the impression she�d rather have been born Richard Nixon)

�Conservatives are openly blackballed in all the liberal professions � publishing, Hollywood, the mainstream media, education and college faculties. Apparently, that's not �blacklisting.� It is churlish for conservatives to complain about private censorship. True blacklisting occurs only when someone scowls at a liberal.� (I can hear the tiny violins playing in the background�)

Now, I will admit that I�m not the most politically minded person. I try to keep up with things but, in the end, most of it ends up frustrating or confusing me. I know, however, that I am a liberal with socialist tendencies (go NDP!). I know that there was recently a war going on in the Middle East and I know that George W. Bush is basically an ape disguised in a man suit. I know that there is an election going on in Ontario and I know for whom I�m going to vote. So, while there are a host of things that I don�t know, I�m pretty sure that Ann Coulter is the devil and, if she had her way, all liberals would be going to Republican Hell.

Read her stuff and then tell her you hate her. Or, you know, think of something clever to say�


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