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1:42 p.m. - 2004-06-09
home away from home
So, I've been accused of slacking on this here site (although the accuser shall remain nameless) so I thought it was about time to write something.

I'm in London. Yes, indeedy I am. London woo-hoo! Yup.....go me.

To be honest, not a whole lot has happened yet. I found a flat, and it's great. I've Ikea-d it up, although some might say that I'm a traitor for visiting any other store than hers. The job hasn't really started full time, not until next week, so I haven't actually done much nannying in the past 7 days.

About the only exciting thing I've been doing is watching the Calgary Flames games. There's a pub in Covent Garden called the Maple Leaf, which is the Canadian Londoner's home away from home. They even sell poutine, although I've since discovered that the quality of said poutine has gone down dramatically. Anyhow, they've been taping the playoff games and replaying them the next night. So, there were a couple of hundred Canucks who were about 24 hours late in their disappointment this year, but disappointed they were.

Stupid Flames. Getting our hopes up and then letting us down. It's like the Leafs all over again.

So, yeah. That's what I've been doing, not working and watching Hockey. It's like I never left home after all.


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