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12:21 a.m. - 2004-04-06
Lots of links and little substance
Congratulations are in order for a few folk out there in diaryland:

Paws up for Kristen's new kitty, Lola. Let's all hope the new addition doesn't live up to the reputation their Lola gained.

Honk if you love Jacquie and the newest little addition to her family. Congratulations, it's an automatic!

A toast to the newest bartender at the Carden Street cafe. Posse.

And a final shout out to the happy couple who will be soon celebrating their 10th anniversary. Wish I could be there, but I know you'll have a wild time without me (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

9:16 p.m. - 2004-04-01
Hear ye, hear ye....

I would like to announce that today is a very special day. A day that should be honoured and revered and basically celebrated by anyone within a two mile radius of the blessed celebatoree.

Yes, that's right folks, it's Samarra's birthday.

Please, for the sake of the person next to you, control yourself.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish Samarra the happiest of everything on this most wonderful day.

And yes, Samarra, I still suck.

11:45 p.m. - 2004-03-25
It's a cold day in Hell...
My god. I want a cigarette.

After the first unsuccessful attempt at quitting smoking, I�m at it again. It�s been approximately 6 days, 1 hour and 7 minutes since my last cigarette. But who�s counting?

Strangely, the most unfortunate side effect of quitting smoking has been the self-imposed lack of alcohol. In the past week, I�ve consumed only one beer. One. Anyone who knows me, or even has an inkling, understand the significance of that statement. It�s quite possible that Hell is freezing over as I type this.

Tonight, however, Satan can breeze a sigh of relief because I�ve broken the cycle. That�s right folks, I�ve got a six pack of Keiths* and I�m not afraid to use it. In fact, it�s already half used up. But I�m not worried, there isn�t a smoke in sight and, frankly, I just can�t be bothered to walk to the store in order to succumb to my craving. This is the one situation where laziness actually comes in handy. Fancy that.

My first real day of �quitting� was last Tuesday. The day before St. Patrick�s day. I realized somewhat too late that that wasn�t the best planning on my part. Now, I may not be Irish, but for one day a year I like to pretend I am. That Wednesday I folded like a Jenny Craiger in Candyland. Resistance was futile, and I went through a half a pack that evening. However, the next Thursday, I was back on track and, so far, it�s looking good.

I think the big challenge when it comes to smoking is being able to deal with stress without having to resort to nicotine. This past week has definitely tested me. On Monday, I got into a bit of trouble at work when I was caught giving free drinks to my parents. Tee hee. And today, I found out I have to pay 65 bucks for a table whose incomplete Interac payment went unnoticed yesterday at lunch. All in all, it�s been a pretty shitty week, and yet I still haven�t had a cigarette. The biggest test, however, comes next week: I�m moving back in with my parents.

The horror. The horror.

If I can get through that without going back to the sweet, sweet taste of a Matin�e Extra Mild king size, then I know I�ve got this whole smoking thing licked.


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