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12:37 p.m. - 2003-11-14
Way too much time on my hands....
Things accomplished while at work this morning:

Sent off notification e-mails to survey participants.
Figured out how to stick pencils through a bun in my hair so that it will stay up.
Verified French translations of Participant Instructions.
Read online newspaper.
Replied to an email.
Completed online questionnaire asking questions like �If you were a piece of clothing, what would it be?�
Read all of my friends� online journals.
Went to the bathroom. Three times.
Made tea. Twice.
Read a few random online journals.
Went back to the newspaper for a bit.
Updated my journal with funny article about a practical joke.
Tried to figure out what I would look like with shorter hair (incidentally, did you know that a dark computer screen works great as a mirror?)
Stared listlessly out of the window at falling snow.
Updated my journal again.

10:51 a.m. - 2003-11-14
Ghosts and goalies
This is funny.

Not only were the Leafs coming off a ghoulish performance in a 5-1 loss to Anaheim Wednesday, they also had to contend with a haunted hotel.

The Leafs stayed at the historic Biltmore Hotel, a place that is inhabited by ghosts, according to local lore. The hotel is central to the mysterious Black Dahlia murder in 1947, being the last place an aspiring young actress named Elizabeth Short was seen alive. It's said that Short's ghost lurks on the first and second floors, which are conveniently closed off for storage.

After arriving late Wednesday night, Leaf winger Darcy Tucker was told of the legend and immediately began getting skittish. So teammates Tom Fitzgerald and Ed Belfour managed to get his room key from roommate Bryan McCabe and entered the room. Fitzgerald hid under the bed and Belfour in the closet and waited until Tucker retired for the night. Shortly after that, Belfour began making noises in the closet and Fitzgerald began tugging on the covers and Tucker went ballistic.

I love the Leafs.


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