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2:58 p.m. - 2003-11-05
Nothing illegal here, folks! Turn away, turn away!
There are an unusually large number of people who seem to be finding my diary on search engines by entering the phrase "Ann Coulter Pictures".

Really, people, she's not that hot, so why bother?

I find it particularly ironic since I totally slam the...ahem...lady in the entry that is leading these folks to this here site.

So, with that in mind, here is a little sumthin' sumthin' that I stole from some other dude's web site (I figure it's unlikely that I'll get caught with a readership of 7 people).

2:54 p.m. - 2003-11-04
Dog nuts by Krispy Kreme
I got free dog nuts last night.

I�m sorry, I should say doughnuts.

Kristen and I were on one of our merry car jaunts around the city when we decided that we wanted to try out the new Krispy Kreme doughnuts place in the �Rough. We were commenting on how the people who run the place can�t spell. It�s donuts, silly Americans, not doughnuts. We eventually came up with �dog nuts� as we were making phonetic fun of the name.

Writing this out, I just recognized their improper use of the letter K in their company name. Who started this company - a dyslexic?

I mean, we�re Canadian, the donut shop capitol of the world. If anyone would know the proper spelling of the word, it would be us. We have the highest rate of donut shops per capita of any place in the world. Also, 0.3% of all road accidents in Canada involve a Moose.

That�s not relevant, but I thought it was interesting.

But I digress. The point was they were free. I guess it was a promotional thing. We decided to go through the drive-through, since it was raining and who wants to go inside when you can use the drive-through? Lazy people like us, that�s who. We ordered and eventually reached the window. I asked how much they were, seeing as the voice box didn�t tell us, to which the KK worker replied �$5.70�.

Damn, that�s one expensive dog nut.

He was mistaken, of course, the KK worker was about to give us what the guy behind us ordered. Instead, he handed us our dog nuts and said �They�re free samples� and we went on our merry way. Damn, but those dog nuts are good - soft, moist, chewy and sweet.

Er�having said that, maybe I should start calling them donuts.


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