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12:15 p.m. - 2003-07-23
Ever since I got into this whole weird and crazy world of Online Web journal/blogs/diaries/whatever, there have been a few ones that I have kept up with fairly consistently. From the first, there�s been I found her through a close friend�s online journal, and have been a fan ever since. She�s got a sense of humour I think would make this world a better place if everyone shared it and the talent to express it.

The other, and more recent addition, is Wil Wheaton Dot Net. I have already and repeatedly admitted that I am a Trekkie, and a particular fan of TNG, so I find no shame in it now (well, ok, maybe just a little, but it�s wearing off). He�s a geek and proud of it. I can relate to that.

The reason I bring up these two diaries in particular is because both of their authors have, in fact, become authors. Real authors - the kind that are published, get paid and do book signings. And it�s been the most fascinating experience to read about.

Do you ever think about authors? Not the really big ones that *everyone* knows about, like King or Atwood, but the ones that write the books you just happen to pick up one day because you liked the look of the cover? What did they do before they started writing? Is this their first book? Are they even still alive?

To be honest, I don�t often think about authors. They�re not visible like movie and television stars, or even rock singers and directors. You could serve them a cup of coffee and not bat an eyelash until you happen to notice that the picture on the back cover looks remarkably similar to that guy you gave a Spitter�s Special to at work. As na�ve as it may sound, it just doesn�t occur to me that authors are real people.

And that�s why it�s so great to read these two guys. They�re brand spanking new authors with books just on the shelves. They talk about their experiences at book singings and conventions like a kid who just walked into an amusement park for the first time. It�s exciting and thrilling and they�re just amazed that anything this great could happen to them. They talk about friends walking into a Barns and Nobel (that�s a book store, right?) and shouting out loud �My friend WROTE this book�. Have you ever done that? Seen someone do that? Not me. They go to conventions and rave about the people they meet and see (Pamie even had the distinction of being sat next to Chaka Khan at one convention). I admit Wil tends to go on about a lot of comic-book related people that I have no clue about, but it�s fun for him so all the power, right?

In any event, I�ve been enjoying it. I almost feel like it�s as exciting for me to read about as it is for them to experience. It totally makes me want to write a book. I should definitely get started on that�

7:05 p.m. - 2003-07-20
An ode
There are a lot of good feelings in the world. A big, satisfying meal; a well timed hug; your first cigarette after a 13 hour flight. Things that just make you sigh. But one of the best feelings in the world, at least in my humble opinion, is a nice, hot, steamy...


I mean, think about it. What possible activity can be enjoyed in such a variety of ways? A Shower relaxes you after a long day's work (or pleasure). It refreshes you in the morning before you have to truck your ass to your job. It gets kind of kinky when you're not alone. When you're done, and you're towelling yourself off, there's just an immense sense of satifaction. Mick Jagger just wasn't looking in the right place.

I remember when I was a child, and I had to make the transition from fun-time bath-time to the more efficient and responsible way of cleansing myself. It seemed so boring. I had no rubber ducky or soap crayons to pass the time away. I didn't get the wrinkly fingers like I used to. I felt like part of my childhood was slipping away into the land of the dull and upright.

Now I know better.

A Shower gets you all good and wet. The water cascades over your body like dozens of hot, soapy hands. The steam clears your lungs and, while my fingets don't get the wrinkles anymore, my feet get a relaxing massage as the leftovers slowly drift away into my slightly plugged up drain. It' heaven. Heaven next to a toilet.

These days, I find a bath can be enjoyed as a once-in-a-while, treat myself kind of way. Light some candles, get a some tunes going, and slip into some steamy bubbles. The only problem being it tends to necessitate a tub that can fit my 5 foot 8 frame. Otherwise, it's just my ass that gets a good soak, and that's just not the point.

So, next time you're in the Shower, in the morning or at the end of the day, take a moment to recognize that you're in the middle of one of life's most enjoyable experiences. And here's a tip: If you're not enjoying it, you need a new shower head.


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