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3:04 p.m. - 2002-10-29
Work. Costumes. Party. Yay for me.
Well, here I am at The Office (again) but my mother is no where to be found. Apparently, she didn't understand that when I said I would be working all day at Fish House, it meant I would be working all day at Fish House ("Well, I could have used you this morning, but now I don't know....). So, now I'm supposed to wait for my mother to get her butt back to The Office, just to see if there's anything I can do while I'm here.

Oh, what fun my life is.

I mean, what else could I possibly be doing on my break that would be better than being at my beloved Office? Resting? Eating at a relaxed pace? Running errands for my Halloween costume? No, I will instead sit at my mother's desk and wait for her to spend 20 minutes deciding on a piddly-ass assignment that will suck all break time away.

Should I be charging my parents for this time? I think so.

On a lighter note, my plan to systematically go through every single job at the Fish House is underway. See, I'm currently being trained as a Service Bartender. Now, now, don't get excited, I'm not a REAL bartender, just a fake one. The service bar is the little hole in the back of the restaurant where all the waiters get their wine, coffees and fancy drinks from. The money is crap, and it's generally a very, VERY boring job (which would explain why everyone is asking me why in the world I would want to work it)...but it's all part of My Plan.

My Plan (notice the capitals) is to eventually get on the REAL bar, the Shuckers bar. That's where the big money is made. I've been schmoozing with the regulars for a while now (with the help of Sweet Sue), which is an important step to becoming a full-on bartender. So this move to the service bar means My Plan is well underway. Yay for me.

I talk about work too much, don't I?

Halloween is coming. I love Halloween. I love to dress up. It's the one time of year where "adults" (or those that are quantitatively but not necessarily mentally equivilant to an adult) get to regress to their dressing up in mom's old clothes days. Not that I generally use my mother's clothes for Halloween, but you get the gist.

I've already thrown the the Halloween Keg party (the perfect combination of kiddy and alcoholic activity) and it was, if I may say so myself, a blast. I was quite impressed that most people dressed up (despite my arsenal of back-up costumes for the lazy and/or timid). You know, I've come to discover that I throw a good party. Yay for me.


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