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12:43 p.m. - 2002-10-20
cream and blood
I got to sleep in today.

I don't usually have to wake up early in the morning. I don't work until 11:15 am on any given day, which is nice. But it's still a chore to have to set the alarm clock, drag my sorry ass out of bed and get ready for work. Today, I didn't have to do that at all, and I quite liked it. But that's not really the best part of it. The really nice part of it was that right now, I've turned my computer on and I'm not doing anything productive in the least. And I'm not going to get showered and dressed for at least another 30 minutes. It's me time, and I've chosen to enlighten all you lucky people on my life.

I spilled cream on a woman last night. She didn't seem too impressed, but as far as I can tell didn't complain about me, so I think it's all good (I'll find out if anything came of it tonight when I see Mike the Manager - let's keep our fingers crossed for no yelling at Lauren). I used to think that I would make a terrible waitress, because I'm fairly klutzy. Now, I'm a waitress and, lo and behold, I'm still pretty klutzy. I tend to drop things, spill things and just generally be a dufus, but I still muddle through my time at Fish House. I'm very apologetic when I screw up, sometimes to the point where I make the soggy person I just spilled cream (or butter or pasta or water) on feel bad for me. It's a talent, I guess.

Actually, the cream wasn't even the worst of it last night. I was opening a bottle of red wine last night, when I noticed there was some red stuff on my hand. I couldn't see how the bottle had been leaking as I twisted the cork out when I realized...

Oh crap, I'm bleeding all over the place.

Apparantly, I cut my finger on the bottle. I don't know how, I didn't even feel it, but there was my internal fluid all over my hand and dripping on the table. The couple before whom the incident happened were quite nice about the whole thing. I don't think they could have felt worse than I did, but they were sympathetic and friendly and still left me a great tip. Better than the cream people, anyway.

But I digress.

The point is, I'm a big clumsy fool most of the time. But does that make me a bad waitress? I'm trying to think of any time I've been at a restaurant and the server spilled or dropped or sneezed right on my food (ok, I've never done front of the customer, anyway) and nothing comes to mind. I suppose the important thing is if the customer goes away happy, dry and full of properly ordered food. Right?

I shouldn't worry so much, anyway. I have no desire to spend my life perfecting the art of dropping food on tables to hungry and sometimes irksome people. As long as I can make some cash doing it now, it's all good. I'll just have to find a profession where being absent minded and clumsy is an asset.

By the way, did I mention I want to go back to school and become a professor?


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