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2:16 p.m. - 2002-10-14
I got the no turkey blues
Umm...I don't want to work anymore. I'm at The Office. I'm by myself. I should be putting reports together, but since no one is here, I'm going to be lazy. Is this all right with you?

I complain a lot, I realize this. I should try to complain less, but I just can't help it. That being said, I think I work too much. I'm sure that compared to some people, I don't work that much, but to me, I work a lot. If I'm not at the Fish House, I'm at The Office. If I'm not at the Office, well, I'm at the Fish House. It's getting annoying.

Not that it's having much of an effect on my going out in the evenings, I'm just a Hell of a lot more tired than I want to be.

I'm tired. I don't want to be here, and I don't want to be serving Fish to people tonight when they really should be at home having turkey. I should be having turkey. Mark said he'll give my leftover turkey after work, which pleases me, but I want a turkey dinner.

Oh, woe is me.



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