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6:00 p.m. - 2002-10-08
You're back?!?'s still here. Do they not delete these things after a while?

A little while back, some people (I won't name names) were complaining that I haven't written in a while. This is true. But in my own defense, I really didn't think anyone's life was so boring as to warrant them wanting to find out about my boring life. Kidding...sort of.

Anyhow...what's new with me? Well, first off, the big news. I am, officially and totally, back at the Fish House. Yes, it's a waitress' life for me (for the time being anyway). It was funny going back...I think about 20 different people just looked at me and exclaimed "You're many times is that now?". Technically, it's my fourth. I think I'm getting a reputation...when I asked my manager for the job back, he said

"Ok but how long before you decide to quit again?"

I told him that I'm planning on going back to school next year so I would stick around until then. Now, I'm kind of obligated to stick around. For a bit, at least. I mean, hell, they keep taking me back, so they must like me a little.

I'm still working with my parents, as well. This past week has been amazing busy, I haven't had a day off since I started at the House. But, it's money, so I shouldn't complain. I do complain, but I probably shouldn't.

To be honest, I'm at work right now, and I should probably get back to it. (It's 6 and I'll be here for a bit more...oy).

So, I promise I will try to keep this thing updated more so than I have in the past. This is assuming anyone wants to actually read it. In any event...hope you're happy now.


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