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10:29 a.m. - 2004-08-10
escort taekwondo girl
The following is, so far, the strangest search query that has led to my website:

"escort taekwondo girl"

Oh, how the internet knows me so well.

5:54 p.m. - 2004-07-31
samarra needs a nap
Samarra needs a nap.

12:18 p.m. - 2004-07-14
nannies r us
I have been plugged into the nanny network of W9 London.

Trust me, it�s a lot more exciting than it sounds.

Last Thursday, I went to a mommy/kiddy play group at a local library and happened to start chatting with Jade, another nanny in the area who takes care of a one year old girl and 2 year old boy. She, being the friendly and outgoing nanny that she is, suggested we exchange numbers and arrange a play date. That afternoon, she invited me over along with a couple of other nannies, and that was that. I was unofficially inaugurated into the Maida Vale Nanny Association. Just so we�re clear, I made that title up.

Since then, it�s been great. Monday I was supposed to go along to another playgroup with Larina, who takes care of another 2 year old boy, but she was sick so I went myself. Never fear, Bryony was there. Bryony has been of a bit of a nanny mystery to me ever since I started this whole thing. Charlotte and I ran into her at the Maida Vale library once and we all introduced ourselves, yadda, yadda, yadda. Since then, I�ve seen her at various meetings/groups/parks about once a day. I always said hi when we passed and she seemed to know everyone and everywhere to go, but I never really seemed to get the chance to chat with her. She was always running after Jacob, her cuter than cute one and half year old who sees trouble wherever he goes and inevitably tries to catch it.

Anyhow, she was there (she had also been at the play date � I told you, she�s EVERYWHERE) and Bronny and I had a pleasant time watching the mobile children play and rolling around on the floor. That�s her new trick � she can�t quite yet crawl, but she has a ball rocking and rolling all over the place.

Yesterday, nannies from all around spent the afternoon at the park. Lately, the weather here has been crap with a slight chance of crappier, but yesterday afternoon was tolerable. So, I met Jade and Larina at Paddington Rec, and waited for other nannies to start arriving. It was great, I must have met a half a dozen new nannies plus their kids and it was a great way of wiling the afternoon away. Bronny was happy because there were new people there, and everyone loves her � I must hear the phrase �she�s such a Happy baby� at least five times a day. I�m not complaining, however, she is a happy baby for the most part, just not around mealtime.

And today, well, a whole bunch of us we�re supposed to meet in Regent�s Park for a toddler walk, but the weather went crappiest day of the week on us and we just met up for a play group and then headed home. Jade and I are planning to go to the museum later, which could be good. Bronny might not get as much of out of the experience as, say, a trained monkey, but she likes walking around in the pram and smiling at passers-by.

So, that�s it. I�m one step closer to the title of �Mary Poppins�. Just give me a spoon full of sugar and a talking umbrella and I�ll be on my way when the wind changes.

God, I loved that movie as a kid�..


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