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8:01 p.m. - 2004-01-12
procrastination wins again!
Today, I took the day off. I called in sick to work and, for the most part, sat on my ass while doing nothing of any particular importance. I watched movies, drank tea, smoked cigarettes, made sniffly noises and occasionally engaged in a sneeze. Is there anything really better in life than that? You know, other than the being sick part.

I so very rarely do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Usually, there are errands to run, rooms to clean, shifts to work, bills to pay and an unused gym membership to lose sleep over. But not today. Today was Lauren day. I�ve spent the last 9 hours in my pajamas. That�s me-time.

Tomorrow is my official day off work. The one I wasn�t scheduled for. The kind of day that I generally use to clean rooms, pay bills, run errands and, more often than not, do laundry. I have trouble not doing anything on my days off. It�s mostly the result of having no cable. I can only play FreeCell for so long before my brain starts to fight back and try to think again. And once the thinking starts, so starts the guilt of procrastination.

Laundry is by far the best way to solve all my day off woes. Technically, it�s a chore that needs to be taken care of. More importantly, it gets taken care of at my parents� house. My parent�s house � land of the big screen TV and digital cable. I would have never moved out if my parents didn�t actually live there.

But tomorrow, it�s back to normal and so I have assigned myself a task. Tomorrow is the cleaning up my pigsty of a bedroom day. All but one of my bras have been lost in the mountain range known as my wardrobe and there are dust bunnies beginning to form under my bed.

But for the rest of today, I will continue to do nothing. I will watch more movies, drink more tea and make more sickly noises.

This is the life.


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