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2:20 p.m. - 2003-12-25
Christmas Cheer
Merry Christmas, everyone!

Here's to good times, good eats and good drinks.

I love this time of year!


12:35 p.m. - 2003-12-23
The Return of the Queen
I�m back!

My sincerest apologies to all of my faithful readers for the extended absence. All four of you.

Ever since I quit the Office and the life of an administrative slave, I just haven�t been spending that much time in front of my computer. I had forgotten how working full time at the Fish as a food service slave tends to take over my life. Despite the fact that I�m back to having just one job, I still haven�t had a day off in over a week. And even when I did have a day off, there were things to do, events to plan and people to see.

Not that I�m complaining, however. I�m actually really enjoying being just a waitress again. Business has been decent, so money�s good and I love the people that I work with. And the best part of all? No more waking up at 7 in the morning. Insert a huge sigh of contentment right here.

And today I have no work and nothing to do. Well, not a lot anyway.

I have been spending a lot of time at my folks� place over the last week so that I can play with my new little niece. Who is, by the way, the sweetest little thing in the whole wide world. Now, I understand that every new aunt will say that about the siblings� offspring, but the difference is, I�m right. (Sorry Jacquie)

I�ve never really had that much experience around babies, so I never realized that 6 week old babies can be kind of, well, boring. They don�t really do much more than sleep, gurgle and cry. Don�t get me wrong, I love having a cuddle and making faces and talking stupid to the little one, but I look forward to the time when I can actually play with her, when I�m more than just a new face to stare at and a new set of arms to bounce her when she�s cranky.

I still love her to bits, though. And it�s amazing to see my brother as the Father. John has always been so natural with kids (I think he has more of a maternal instinct than I do) and seeing him holding his daughter and kissing her on the forehead while he cuddles her on his knee, it just melts my heart. My only disappointment in this whole thing is that they live so far away. I�m definitely going to have to make a trip overseas sometime in the New Year. I�ll just wait until she�s a little more exciting to be around.

Christmas at home is gearing up to be a great one. We�ve got the whole family here, plus an in-law and new addition, which just makes things that much more exciting. We�ve got about 5 big bottles of Bailey�s waiting to be drunk, and drunk we will probably be. We�re having turkey and all that goes with it, which is one of my favorite meals of all time and we�ve got a true appreciation of each other and the time that we spend together. I will admit, however, that the Bailey�s often helps to bring out that last thing.

And so, if I happen to go missing again for a couple of weeks, I will take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and an absolutely fabulous New Year.


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