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3:00 p.m. - 2003-09-02
why me?
I�m seriously reconsidering owning a car.

For the past few weeks, I have been having an absolute SHIT ASS CRAP time with my car. Let me elaborate.

Just under a month ago, I was in a car accident that was, admittedly, my fault. I was driving along the highway in fairly heavy stop and go kind of traffic, minding my own business, when the traffic stopped and I kept going. Right into the bumper of the Ford Explorer in front of me.

Oh. Shit.

Long story short, I convinced the couple in the car to not go through insurance (being that I was in a little bit of a bender not even a year ago) and I paid their damages, which amounted to enough money that I had to cringe, but little enough that I didn�t have to ask the bank for more money. Despite a big chunk out of my ego and bumper damage that wasn�t like to get fixed anytime soon, I managed to chalk the whole up to a �lesson learned�.

Good. Right. Here we go.

About a week and a half ago, I�m driving through an intersection in a mall parking lot when some DICKHEAD decides that the big red sign that says �STOP� in capital letters is really just a suggestion. He pulls in front of me and, being that there was no big red sign going my way, I hit him. Fortunately, I knew that people tended to lose a few IQ points at this particular intersection so I had slowed down enough that little damage was done to my already bruised and battered bumper. I got out of the car and ranted for a little while at the moron � I needed to let off a little steam.

�Are you a moron? Can you read? Do you know what the word STOP means? Do you have any idea of how to actually drive, you stupid, shit-for-brains, no-good piece of�� and so on and so forth.

I felt no guilt for shouting at the guy for a couple of minutes because, really, he was lucky. As the whole thing was entirely his fault, he could have been in big trouble. I, on the other hand, had had enough of collision reporting centres and insurance worries to bother getting anything out of the guy. I ignored the incident, for the most part, and went on with my vehicular life.

Then, today, my car was silent.

Someone stole my stereo. Where there was once a radio and a cd player, there is now a gaping whole with loose wires. After close inspection, it would seem the only other thing the thieving hooligans took was $1.50 worth of change. Thank goodness they left my bobby-head animals alone. I�ve been through that before. It would have been too much.

When I got into my car at lunch, I obviously didn�t expect this. Moreover, I really didn�t know how to react. I sat there and mulled for a moment. There was a slight sense of violation at the thought of some stranger(s) looting around in there with neither my permission nor my knowledge. I have a weird fear that they�ve left some rotting animal underneath my seat for shits and giggles, but I have no desire to check. I�m sure a pungent odor will eventually let me know if my fears are valid.

Now, I will say that there is probably good reason why my car was broken into, but I�m not going to get into it right now. That would involve speculations, accusations and a whole lot of I told you so�s, and a big fight with my big brother that just doesn�t need to happen. And that�s all I have to say about that.

In any event, I really have no choice but to laugh at the whole thing. It�s like Pursuit of Happiness said; to prevent myself from crying.


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