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2:49 p.m. - 2002-05-08
Get your butt back in that office, you lazy government lackey
The strike is over!

That's right, I can now begin the process of getting my long-form birth certificate, and then my UK work visa, and then my place ticket, and then I'm outta here, baby.

Not right away, though. You see, apparently, 8 weeks wasn't enough for the Office of the General Registrar, or whatever the hell the pace is where they have my birth certicate, to be closed. They have to keep it closed until Monday, because of the backlog.

I would tell you right now exactly what I think of OPSEU people, but I don't think this website allows that kind of language.

For a while there, I was seriously thinking of going down to the Registrar's office and standing out front with a big sign that said "I want my birth certificate". I was going to start my own little protest. I had already started, in a way. Everytime I passed strikers on the stress while in my car, I would role down the window and shout at them "I want my *%&#*@ birth certificate, you *$#&@$*!!!!". It was a stress reliever.

However, that is all moot now, because Monday morning, I will be spending the entire day camped in line at the registrar's office waiting to get what is mine. And I tell you, if I don't get it....well, there will most DEFINITELY be H-E-Double hockey sticks to pay.

The weird thing is, I'm not all that excited about going back to London anymore. I've been home for a month, and I've grown comfortable here again. Granted, I hate my job and living with the parents in a pain in the *#%&*# ass, but still...I was all set and ready to go before, and now the excitement has passed. I'm still going, though. Half my crap is still in London, and I just can't live with half a wardrobe. Perish the thought.

But, the point is....the strike is over. Big, stupid, lazy, sucky-baby OPSEU people are getting their asses back to work, and I can get on with my life. I am so going to tell off the person at the registrar counter.

After I get my birth certicate, that is.


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