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7:17 p.m. - 2002-04-22
You mean this thing hasn't been deleted yet? Sweet as...
Well, it's been a while since an update, I will admit, but really nothing much has happened since.

Well, not nothing.

I'm back home. That's right, I am no longer on the other side of the ocean. Back in the good ol' hometown. Back with friends. Back at my bar. Back to my car. And with the parents. Well, it can't all be good.

It was actually quite a surprise. I got back to London after an absolutely AWESOME time in Thailand, and I found out I'm an idiot. After an embarassing moment with the customs people where I almost wasn't allowed into the country (apparently telling the truth to customs people "Yeah, I'm planning on getting a job" just doesn't pay off....but I digress), I was all ready to get my visa thingy, find an apartment and do that sort of thing, when I realized I didn't have my long form birth certificate (which I need to get my visa). Yeah, I know...what a moron am I! Now, normally this wouldn't be a problem. I could just apply to whatever the stupid government office is and have one in no time.

But apparently life just isn't that FREAKING easy for me.

Due to some sucky baby government workers who would prefer to have chilli bakeoffs and hat days while picketing to people who just want to live their own god-forsaken lives, I can't get my birth certificate. I hate strikers. I HATE strikers. I HATE STRIKERS.

Did I mention I hate government people who go on strike?

So, rather than stay in London, mooching off my brother and his girlfriend, possibly working illegally (did I say that...remind to keep my mouth shut at customs) and that sort of thing, I was offered the opportunity to come home. My parents needed me back at work desparately, so I heeded the call and hopped on a plane back to Canada. And here I am, and here I've been for the last two weeks.

It's been quite a ride, let me tell you.

So, that was my update. Hopefully, now, those of you who were getting all snooty about my lack of writing will be happy, and I can get back to not having anything interesting to say. I'm kidding, I'm sure I'll find some time in my busy schedule to write again (possibly some time during the long, boring hours of work that I absolutely hate...but that's a story for another update.)

Hope you enjoyed...stay tuned.



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