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12:12 p.m. - 2002-03-12
rugby part 2, and more.
Ok, where was I?

At the rugby game. Quite cool. I had only watched a rugby game for the first time on TV a week or so before, but it is quite the sport. And the guys are just so brutal to each other. I'm totally liking rugby. At the game, I was, of course, screaming and yelling my head off. But there was one girl beside me, Roxanne, who actually was as loud and obnoxious as me. I know, quite amazing. The guys in front of us were amused at our enthusiasm, and one asked us to tap him on the shoulder before we went off shouting so he could brace himself. Yeah, we had fun.

The funniest part were these two girls, who couldn't have been more than about 17 or 18. They were dressed for clubbing and drunk as skunks, wavering through the crowd and falling over every guy in the stadium. One girl fell on this guy in front of us, and was hanging on to him like he was a life saver until his friends peeled her off him. She went on for a few feet before falling over one of the guys in our group. Again, she hung onto him for dear life, and staring making out with him right then and there. Everyone was watching, the guy wasn't even looking at her while she mauled him...I think he was having a good time and fairly proud of his new playmate, not that she was hard to get. I have a feeling she would have fallen on a Tom Arnold lookalike and still been all over him. Finally, the guards came and took her and her friend away and threw them out for being too drunk. It was quite a sight, let me tell you.

The game ended, and everyone went back to the pub. I, having drank a fair amount, was freakin tired. I could barely hold up a conversation. So, while most people went out and partied until 4 in the morning, I went to bed at the respectable time of midnight. I tell you, I must be getting old. 4 years ago, I would have been bouncing off the walls all night long. Ah well, I was happy with my sleep as I wasn't completely hungover the next day like everyone else.

And that was my rugcy game. A very good night, indeed.

The next day, back to Queenstown. Didn't really do much during the day, but me and three other girls who I've been sort of travelling with for a while decided we were going to make a wonderful meal that night, being sick of restaurant food. Anna got a recipe for a nice fish dish from her mom, with a garlic oil sauce and cooked vegetables. We bought some wine, and started cooking. I have to tell you, it was the best meal I've had since I came here. Absolutely delicious. We wanted to make everyone jealous with our fancy-schmancy meal, but everyone was already out drinking. Ah well. It was an awesome meal. Then, it being Saturday night, we went out to the bar and did some dancing on tables and drinking. Quite fun.

The next day, the four of us did a day trip out to Milford Sound, which, as we found out, isn't a proper sound, it is actually a fiord. It was gorgeous. High cliffs and beautiful waterfalls. It took four hours to get there, of which we slept for most of it, then a three hour cruise (or "a 3 hour tour, a 3 hour tour" as I kept saying. No one got it though, no one else ever watched Gilligan's Island, I suppose). Anyhow, one of the most visually stimulating places I've been so far.

Four hours back on the bus and we were in Queenstown again. To be honest, I really didn't spend much time in Queenstown, I just sort of slept there. It's supposed to be one of the more famous towns in NZ, because it's quite touristy and in a beautiful area that has lots of skiing in the winter and summer activities. The guides kept reminding us of all the celebrities who stay there quite often. Whoop-de-doo.

I was planning on spending a full day in Queenstown, but Anna, Kikki and Charlotte (the girls I've been travelling with) convinced me to come with them to Christchurch the next day, so I did. And since nothing really happened yesterday, other than a little pool and beer, you're pretty much up to date on me.

So, with all my injuries and infections, I've decided to take it easy while in Christchruch. I've got two full days of nothing to do, so I think I will relax and do some laundry. The girls all leave tomorrow, so I will be on my own again, but it's all good. We are making another meal tonight, which should be awesome if it's anything like the last one and we'll celebrate the departing quite well, I assume.

I'm feeling slightly homesick lately. I think it's just the under the weather feeling. It could also be that I think it's finally sinking in that I won't be home for a very long time. I really do miss everyone and everything. But it's all good. I just need some time to adjust and all will be fine. I've already met a couple of Londoners who I plan on hooking up with when I'm there. And, I get to see Sue in less than two weeks, which will be absolutely AWESOME!!! I love getting e-mails from people to remind me that no one has forgotten about me (and I'm sorry if I haven't responded, but I will get to you, I promise).

So, I hope everyone is doing well and having lots of fun in my absense (but not too much fun =) Take care everyone.


xxx ooo


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