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9:40 p.m. - 2002-07-28
I'm being pressured into doing this entry, just so you know.
Hello everyone.

I have been getting certain complaints lately that I have not been updating my little diary here. And I have this to say to those people.


I mean, as soon as I have something interesting to report, or something witty or though provoking to say, I will put it right here, I promise you. Until then, keep your friggin pants (unless, of course, you have nice legs and then you can show them to the world).

However, since I am here, and I have 10 minutes left at this internet cafe, I will give a bit of an update.

Edinburgh is still here, so that's where I still am. I haven't really done anything touristy since I've been here, I've been a lazy ass instead. I am, however, going on a 3 day tour of the highlands tomorrow, which will hopefully be very exciting.

John's wedding is in less than 2 weeks, so I am very excited about that. I will soon be an "in-law" weird is that. On the upside, I will finally have a sort of sister. Brothers are great and all, but I've always wanted a sister. Yay for me.

That's pretty much it for me. I hope everyone back home is doing well and having fun (but not too much fun without me...otherwise you will have to attempt to recreate all the immense fun you had so that I can feel a part of it and not left out and that could be a bit of a pain in the ass for you).

I will write again soon. Probably after my 3 day tour, since I figure something at least a little bit interesting should happen on it. But if not, I'll still probably write.

cheers =)


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