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11:27 p.m. - 2002-06-24
What have I got myself self out of?
I did it...I quit my job.

I still have to work the rest of the week, but boy do I ever feel better. And the moron (i.e. Eddy) hardly said a word to me the entire night.

This is sooooo good.

I'm feeling positive. I'm feeling upbeat. I've booked myself into a hostel for next week (there's no point in staying at one while I'm constantly working at the Globe), and I am really looking forward to it. I'm going back to the sort of "travel" lifestyle I'm used to when I go on big trips.

And I think I'm going to go to Scotland. Too many people have said Edinburgh is just this awesome place, and since I've never been there before (but feel like I'm spending way too much time in London) and I think I'm gonna go.

This is soooo good.

Did I mention I'm feeling positive? It's such a nice thing.

How are you doing?


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